Sustainable Choices = Sustainable Life

Sustainable Choices = Sustainable Life


You gave us so many ideas with our last instagram post! Thank you!
We want to share a short list of the ideas (there were hundreds!) with you. They were brilliant reminders to us as we scrolled through all of the comments…maybe we CAN make a powerful impact if there are so many of us working hard to make a difference. It gave us hope and also made us want to share the ideas and spread around some goodness. After all, at the root of Conscious Clothing is creating a community of sustainability.


Sustainable choices_

1 - Eliminate single-use: bring containers, jars, and silverware with you. Bring your own water bottles + coffee cups wherever you go. Leave them in your car so you have them when you travel or eat out. Bring your own reusable straw, cloth napkins and cups for your kids.

2 - Shop at the farmer’s market and support organic + local growers. Join a CSA. Encourage plant-based eating!

3 - Buy from bulk bins at the grocery store. Bring your own containers to eliminate plastic bag use. Take in your own grocery bags and only buy what you need / what fits in your bags.

4 - Re-purpose glass containers (like peanut butter jars) and use them for drinking, leftovers, or dry goods storage. Transparent food storage translates to less waste.

5 - Find reusable solutions: beeswax wraps for food storage, cloth grocery bags, reusable menstrual products, cloth diapers + wipes, cut up your plastic bags and use them to pick up after your doggo.

6- Re-purpose worn-out clothes and buy used. Mend and patch your clothing that’s been worn out. Find a local seamstress or tailor to help preserve longevity. Wash less frequently and line dry.

7 - Use fabric scraps, worn out socks, and old t-shirts as cleaning cloths to minimize paper towel use.

8 - Make your own bath + body products, make your own detergent, use vinegar for cleaning and washing.

9 - Build and invest in a community that reflects your personal values: one that is ethical and inclusive!

10 - Don’t walk past litter on the street or beach. Take time to initiate clean-up efforts of your local park or neighborhood.

11 - Plant pollinating flowers in your garden, buy local honey and support your local beekeeper! Plant and harvest your own herbs and teach planting + growing to your kids.

12 - Support libraries and local exchanges! Rent books, videos, and toys for your kids instead of buying new.

13 - There is power in hand-me-downs! Clothes, toys, shoes. If it still has life in it, pass it on. Live generously with excess instead of wasting.

14 - Recycle and compost. If you can’t set up personal composting in your yard, see if there’s a composting service in your community, or maybe a neighbor or friend that you can work together with.

15 - If it’s possible for your family, drive less and walk/bike more. Use one vehicle instead of two, carpool with co-workers, and take public transit. Take time to enjoy nature and this precious earth while we have so much of her to enjoy.

16 - Think about the sources of what you purchase, consider the motivation in making it (and purchasing it!) and what true needs you and your family have.


We were so inspired by the ways you shared that you were trying to minimize waste! We loved your ideas, your initiatives, and the ways you are holding yourself accountable for the impact you and your families have.

We think it’s important to remember that having a “zero-waste” life can feel like an impossible standard. We want to remind you that there is power in the EFFORT behind what you purchase and how you work to make small changes. None of us are perfect about how we practice sustainability_ the point is that we try and acknowledge when there’s a problem that needs fixing. Recognize and acknowledge how small acts by everyone makes an enormous impact- and simply the act of sharing them gets us excited for the future, motivated to work harder, and we are so grateful for supporters like YOU.

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